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Shopping for Health

A Targeted Outreach to Supermarket Dietitians

Recognizing the growing role of supermarket dietitians in reaching consumers with nutrition and culinary information,in 2011, NTA, Inc. started  Shopping for Health. This unique program allows food and beverage companies, associations, commodity groups and brands an exclusive, up-close opportunity to work directlly with these important influencers.

Shopping for Health offers annual conferences, on-site meetings with targeted store dietitians, and access to our one-of-a-kind database of more than 600 supermarket dietitians at 75+ chains across the United States and Canada.

Supermarket Registered Dietitians Outreach

If your company or product would benefit by reaching consumers directly at the point of purchase, NTA, Inc. makes it easy.

Outreach with news and information about food and beverage products to retail dietitians is our unique specialty. On behalf of numerous clients, we have developed and executed targeted outreach programs to take nutrition news, consumer handout materials, tool kits and other information directly to retail RDs. Talk to us about how having a supermarket chain's consumer dietitian team in your corner can help promote your food or beverage products.

Our Database

We maintain a database of contact information for more than 600 supermarket store dietitians and consumer affairs advisors at more than 75 top chains, representing thousands of individual grocery stores across the US and Canada. NTA, Inc's staff is in frequent contact with this influential group of dietitians, and can make your product and messages stand out among the tens of thousands of others on store shelves!

For more information, and to find out if Shopping for Health is right for your company or product, call us or visit www.shoppingforhealth.org

Supermarket RDs Love Shopping for Health

"I learned so much from all of the presentations."
- Meijer™ Attendee

"The science and nutrition presentations were fascinating."
- Weis™ Markets Attendee

"You all did such a wonderful job pulling together a very compact, interesting, and delicious session! The size of the group was ideal."
- Schnuck's Markets™ Attendee

"Everything presented at the conference was helpful. I especially liked the group breakout where we sat roundtable with a sponsor to discuss ideas for marketing their product."
- Kroger™ Attende

Shopping For Health